Our Philosophy

A message from our managing partner, W. Patrick Cantrell

Houston Tax Attorney

Since 1974 I have had but one philosophy for my practice: to be the best there is at what I do.

In the case of IRS representation, that means knowing the rules better than my competition and even better than the IRS does.

That is why I decided to write the book Federal Tax Procedure for Attorneys, ABA Book Publishing, 2008. I constantly study the changes in procedural tax law that occur every day. Most practitioners don’t want to spend the time to do that. Virtually all tax accountants – even the majority of tax lawyers – are intimidated by the awesome power of the IRS, arguably the most powerful bureaucracy on the planet. Having worked for the IRS for a number of years I feel that I fully understand their weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and can use that knowledge to your advantage. Do not hesitate to contact an experienced Houston tax attorney.

While I am respectful of the IRS’ power and authority, the IRS does NOT scare me. I don’t mind getting in their face in appropriate circumstances.

Most tax problems do not have an easy solution. If they did, you would not be reading this web page. Typically there are a number of options available to you. One of my jobs is to explain those options and recommend a course of action that will achieve the result you want at the lowest possible cost.

In this kind of practice, there are no guarantees of any particular result or outcome. But, if my approach is what you are looking for, please call me at (713) 333-0555, or send us a message using the information on our “Contact Us” page.

What I CAN guarantee, is that I will give your case my very best effort and my utmost personal attention.